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ROI OPEX and CAPEX savings year after year Let’s imagine how a CFO and CTO could use Asperato Asperato solves Tamara’s and Fin’s challenges by helping them to: to simplify payment processes and give customers more control. Tamara Technical (CTO) and Finn Finance Easily Integrate. Tony’s team was able to install Asperato quickly and easily without any code (CFO) both want to streamline payment processes, and instantly support all the major Salesforce clouds. Saving $10,000s on make the most of their company’s Salesforce development and maintenance costs. investment, and give customers better experiences. Automate all payment tasks. Freddie’s team can now automatically collect payments on due dates, retry Their Goals payments, and match payments to customers and bills. All without time ● Integrate payment processes and APIs without consuming manual tasks saving hundreds on hours. complexity, high cost, risk or ongoing maintenance ● Reduce technical glitches and untrustworthy Ensure on-time low failure payments. payment data Collecting payments via Direct Debit, allows Freddie’s team to stop repeat ● Eliminate time consuming and repetitive manual non— and late— payers by giving them the option to sign up for direct processes for their team debit and pay monthly or settle in full. All without error prone traditional file ● Give customers a feeling of control about their based processes. payment options Simplify customer experiences. Tony and Freddie both love that they can now o昀昀er self-serve payment Their Challenges portals, over the phone payments and automated collections. ● Customers may have concerns about the safety of their personal and financial information with online Drive down processing costs systems Finn was able to secure improved processing rates with the help of ● Multiple systems with poor integration and Asperato and can use di昀昀erent payment methods to drive down functionally-limited transaction costs in di昀昀erent territories. ● Payment processing costs are high and they have little leverage with their suppliers

Asperato Overview - Page 9 Asperato Overview Page 8 Page 10